Ken Masters - The Flaming Fist

Account Rules

Basic RP etiquette is all that I ask of anyone. Respect my own personal boundaries, I will respect yours.

  • My main verses are Street Fighter and Smash Bros. Crossovers are ALWAYS welcomed and encouraged!

  • I will interact with any and all original characters, especially if I find them interesting! Tell me all about them if you'd like, I always love seeing people be creative.

  • I do serious storylines, small banter, and nonsensical crack roleplaying. If you are not comfortable with either, do not hesitate to let me know.


  • Due to some trust issues, my DMs are open to requests. I will curate whoever gets to message me if I do not follow you back.

  • SFW and NSFW content will both be present. When I mean NSFW, I mean possible mentions of blood, alcohol references and general violence of course.

  • Despite the fact that Ken is married in canon and has a family, I am MULTISHIP. My Ken is bisexual with a preference for women.

  • DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT pester me for replies constantly. I will gladly appreciate occasional reminders but I will unfollow and block you if you are up my butt about replying to you.

  • I will not tolerate the conduct/practice of racist slurs and hateful speech (in and out of character). I will block you on sight if you do. I want to keep my account free of that sort of thing, you feel me?

  • Do not follow or interact with me if you are homophobic or transphobic in nature, this is a LGBT+ safe space and I'd like to keep it that way. Take your hate somewhere else.

  • I only interact with roleplay accounts or parodies when in character, doing so with real life accounts makes me uncomfortable.

Lookin' forward to interacting with you, hope you can handle the heat!

About Ken

"I will fight with style and finesse, no matter what the outcome may be!"

Name: Ken Masters
Birthdate: February 14th, 1965
Birthplace: United States
Height: 5'10'' (Approx. 178 cm)
Weight: 169 lbs (77 kg)
Current Residence: Southern
Relationship Status: Married
Likes: His family, pasta, rock music, skateboarding, the beach, sports cars
Dislikes: Umeboshi (pickled plum), soap operas


When Ken was about 12 years old, his father, a rich hotel tycoon owner, thought that his son needed to learn about discipline, or his son would become a spoiled brat all of his life and try to leech off the family fortune.
In order to do so, the elder Masters sent Ken to Japan to train under his best friend, the karate master Gouken.

At first, Ken was very hesitant to learn from Gouken, wanting to go back to the United States, but later began to respect him. He even enjoyed the company of Gouken's adopted son, Ryu, since he finally had someone to pull pranks on, although this did get Ken into a lot of trouble.

Ryu and Ken would later become best friends and each other's principal rivals.

By the time Ryu and Ken were both in their early 20's, Gouken decided that it would best to end their training. Both of them became very fine fighters after spending a decade with him.

Ryu chose to continue on with his training, traveling around the world as a wandering vagabond. Ken on the other hand was happy to go back home to the United States, finally gaining a true understanding of humility.

Upon returning home, Ken participated in a multitude of martial arts tournaments held in the States. He won most of said tournaments.


In terms of personality, Ken is the essential opposite of Ryu. He's unorthodox, more stylish and very unpredictable. He even fights much more aggressively than Ryu.

He's got a pretty large ego and isn't afraid to show it. While he does seem brash and egotistical at times, he still has a pure heart and good intentions. Don't mistake him as a jerk, that's not what he's about. He's a kind guy who has a general easygoing attitude.

He will never back down from a fight, no matter how challenging it might look.

Ken will treat any and all of his rivals/opponents with the utmost respect, albeit there may be exceptions when it comes down to it.